Back to the house and we had to help in the preparations of Michael and Matthew's campout, mainly ensuring that they had all of their gear before departing to the Sierras on Monday morning. It all didn't work out as planned as Matthew was AWOL for about 6 hours. Towards the end of the afternoon, Tricia took both of them to pick up some hiking boots. This was my perfect opportunity to get stuck into supper, and I was so excited to try enchiladas again. I made them for the first time earlier this week and they were such a success that I just had to do them again. I probably lacked enough sour cream, but otherwise they were deliciously tasty. Can't wait to try this again!
9:15pm and we've finally been able to review the camp checklist. Still some items missing, so that means a trip to the supermarket before it closes at 10pm. And to our bad luck, not many stores on the central coast carry winter attire during the summer, so not everything is complete just yet. That means another trip to some specialist stores at 7am on Monday morning.
And here's a secret, but don't tell anyone, I made pancake batter tonight so that I can make breakfast for everyone in the morning before church. So that means up at 7am, but it will be an even better surprise because I secretly snuck some chocolate chips into the batter.....mmmm, talk about healthy eating!
Neville, you are too funny:). Chocolate chip pancakes are one of my kids favorites! Enjoy your yummy breakfast:)